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1-2-1 Consultancy Packages
1-2-1 Consultancy Packages
Linking operational performance to the financial wellbeing of your business
OAG Consultancy
Help when it’s needed
OAG will provide levels of support to suit your individual needs. Everything from advice and guidance to supplying accredited assessment leaders and coaches to help with the assessment and in improving the results towards achieving your aspirations. Our clients share a desire to establish a platform for improvement and to realise the potential of their manufacturing organisation.
Initial consultation
A FREE no obligation consultation is a great way gaining an understanding of the process and for us to get to know you and your company. From this we can advise as to the best assessment solution for your business including what support is available. Consultations can take place onsite or by remote video conferencing on your chosen platform.
OAG Consultants
Our consultants are OAG accredited assessors and coaches who are experienced in the leadership and improvement of manufacturing businesses. They help you and your team understand the process, how to conduct the assessment for maximum accuracy and how to use the reports and dashboard. They can also be used for their experience in the preparation and communication of a manufacturing strategy and by helping you address the issues highlighted in the report in order to expedite the achievement of your aspirations. We can also supply external specialists and project managers to address specific road blocks along the journey.
Our clients range from; owner managers of small to medium enterprises, CEOs of single and multi-site operations, venture capitalists, banks, recruiters, members organisations and consultants. They all share a desire to establish a platform for improvement and to realise the potential of a manufacturing organisation.
To discuss your requirements click here