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People Component Guide
People Component Guide
Creating an environment which
measures and improves performance
People are the most important resource in any business as they will ultimately determine its success or failure. People management is a strategic issue and the best managers are rewarded with a hardworking, productive and effective workforce. Good leaders attract exceptional staff, make the organisation a preferred employer, add to profits and reduce costs. A developed, participating and motivated workforce will enhance performance and speed up the achievement of business aspirations.
Benefits Calculator
People influence every process and activity within a business both positively and negatively. Our default percentage of 4% for People is based on our experience and taking into consideration the following:
  • Productivity.
  • Scrap and rework.
  • Absence.
  • Skills, knowledge and experience.
  • Continuous improvement contribution.
People Sub-Components
To improve the performance of your people, our assessment enables the senior management team to set aspirational goals and determine the current status of the development and management process. The People component contains 6 sub-components which, when examined in detail, reveal the current condition of the associated processes and the benefits for achieving your aspirational goals. The People component of the assessment helps you achieve performance through best practice. The result is a detailed action plan which will improve all aspects of People in the business. Here are the 6 sub-components of People:
1. Participation
How people are empowered to contribute to business performance.
Empowering employees by transferring some decision-making authority breaks down traditional barriers and has proven to increase engagement and participation. This may be encouraged through a variety of means resulting in improved employee performance, better attendance, higher retention rates and an increase in organisational efficiency.
2. Development
How the organisation is developed to achieve business aspirations.
As the challenges and aspirations for your business change, the skills, knowledge and experience required to deliver them also change. Identifying the requirements and producing a plan to ensure the availability of the appropriate resources through recruitment and/or developing individuals in-house is essential for business sustainability. Improving employee development may involve professional training, coaching and mentoring, cross-departmental training, soft-skills and personal development.
3. Performance
How individual performance is set, monitored and improved.
Understanding and demonstrating how effectively each person or group of people is performing is fundamental to the achievement of your business objectives. People are a resource whose contribution has a significant influence on business performance. Creating a personal development plan aligns an individual’s objectives with the aspirations of the business and individual performance can be set, monitored and reviewed through appraisal.
4. Induction
How the induction process is utilised to communicate standards and expectation.
Induction is an opportunity for your organisation to welcome a new recruit, help them settle in and ensure they have the knowledge and support they need. It is a way of communicating the business culture, job role and performance expectations.
5. Job roles & responsibilities
How job roles and responsibilities are aligned with the development of the organisation.
In successful organisations, employee roles are well defined. This starts with the job description and an outline of the individual’s day-to-day responsibilities. By defining an employee’s role, responsibilities and success criteria you align their contribution to the team goals to improve overall team performance.
6. Succession
How succession is planned and implemented.
Succession planning maintains business continuity. It is a process for identifying vital roles, skills and knowledge that represent a replacement risk and developing people or recruiting to fill these key positions before they become vacant. A structured succession plan examines risk and identifies recruitment targets and internal people that can be trained and developed as successors.